Newegg Integration app by CedCommerce synchronizes Bigcommerce Store with Newegg. With help of APIs provided by Newegg, the app creates a channel facilitating the synchronization of product inventory and orders, updating products information and helps you manage the products from your Bigcommerce store itself.
For installing Newegg Bigcommerce Integration app, visit newegg-marketplace-integration & click GET option (The app will ask permission for approving the data access of their Bigcommerce stores using API).
//= Yii::$app->request->baseUrl; ?> After that, click INSTALL APP option (If access of different API levels is granted, the process of seamless integration of your Bigcommerce store with Newegg begins).
To successfully integrate your Bigcommerce Store with and start selling, few settings are required to be configured.
To successfully integrate your Bigcommerce Store with Newegg and start selling on it, few settings are required to be configured.
Here, you are required to enter NEWEGG API DETAILS i.e. Seller Id, Authorization key and API Secret Key . Thereafter, Click "Next" button.
In order to obtain Newegg Seller Id, Authorization key and Secret Key the merchant needs to login to his Newegg Seller Panel.
This step enables you to import products to your Newegg integration app.
Here you get two options:
All products: It enables you to import all the Bigcommerce store products in the app.
Published Products: It enables you to import only those products which are available at your bigcommerce store’s front-end.
Here you also get the status of
1. Total Products
2. Products not having SKU
3. Haven't defined Product types for your store products ?!
i). login to your bigcommerce store and visit product section then click the products which you want to define product types for
ii). Too long, Right?! No problem,
You can define all product types at once with bulk product edit.
Visit product section > Select All Products > Click Edit Products > Click Add Fields > Select Product type
4. Products Ready To import = Total Products - Products not having SKU
After choosing your option ALL PRODUCTS/PUBLISHED PRODUCTS
Click Start Import
On the left side of the screen is Product type (Bigcommerce) and on right side Newegg Category Name. Map appropriate Bigcommerce product types with categories. Now that mapping is done, HERE, you are not required to map categories time and again.
Choose Newegg attributes that you want to map with your product variant options.
Take Engagement Ring as a bigcommerce product type for example:
Now, in order to transfer correct information of your products on Newegg, you need to map Newegg attributes with your product variant options (attributes) .
Now that categories are mapped, products are required to be uploaded on for sales.
1) All the products that have valid SKU(s) will be retrieved from Bigcommerce store. If there is any product with no SKU, it will be not listed on Newegg Bigcommerce app.
2) Each variant must have unique SKU for every product. If any product have duplicate SKU, then it might be conflicting SKU at the product upload time.
3) Each product must have positive inventory quantity of products. If the product quantity is negative or zero then products will not be uploaded on
4) Product price must be assigned to each product. You can update product price by admin panel of Bigcommerce.
Now to update any information of products,
Click EDIT icon of the product. You can see many editable and non editable fields.
These products which are SOLO and do not have any other variations (Size, Color etc.) are called Simple Products (Non Variant).
As visible in the image above, since GAME ACCESSORIES is child category and the product uploaded under this has NO variations, all the products can be uploaded directly.
For Example, Baseball bat under games accessories doesn’t have any variation thus it is Simple Product.
These products have different variations. There exist ONE parent product category and rest of the products are children.
The attributes of the products are updated, again, as per’s category. As Variant Product is selected, it shows variable attribute listings.
After all the products are properly edited. Means products have their Barcode (UPC, ISBN-10,ISBN-13,GTIN-14) or ASIN, Quantity and Attribute values, Price information, products can be uploaded at once.
Go to top menu, Click Manage Products -> Upload Products
All the products that uploaded till now are listed here.
Tick all the check boxes on the leftmost column, thereafter Select Upload and Click SUBMIT.
Upload: It uploads the new products to or update the existing products information.
Select the product, choose upload and Click Submit.
Upon selecting and uploading the products, the next page appears with display STATUS BAR.STATUS BAR shows Number of products successfully uploaded and Number of Products having ERRORS.Furthermore, Errors can occur due to DUPLICATE SKU(s) or Barcode or ASIN, MISSING Image,INVALID Quantity and IMPROPER mapping of Bigcommerce variant options with’s attributes. For batch upload, errors are displayed for each product if any product has incomplete information. To describe the error for each products in brief, see the image below.
If product has all the information valid, it gets uploaded on and STATUS changes from "Not uploaded" to "Uploaded" or ERROR ICON gets displayed in action column.
Under order management section, all the details of Newegg orders, whether it's Acknowledged, shipped,returned or refunded are stored.
Note: Only the READY orders will be imported onto Newegg Bigcommerce Integration app.If any new orders are created on, they are instantly fetched by our app. Same order is generated for the Bigcommerce store, for merchants to view view details and fulfill them easily in their native order processing system.
To view all the imported orders from our app.
Newegg orders can be viewed under sales order area in the app. To check order details,
Go to top menu Orders ->Sales Order.
In the case quantity is not available in Bigcommerce store or product SKU doesn’t exist) app does not fetch order from For checking details of failed orders
Open Orders -> Failed Order section.
To alert you for all the happenings of your product on, you can enable the subscription for each of the desired action i.e. alerts when New order is received or, when the order is rejected, or when the order contains error etc.
To do thisGo to Admin Settings->Choose the desired alerts by ticking against the events
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