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fruugo Marketplace Integration

All in one platform for merchants to list products on fruugo marketplace and manage their inventory, order and shipping

Most Useful Features

Auto Acknowledge Orders
Auto acknowledgement within 15 minutes of order placed on
Products Management
Import 10,000 SKU's(including variants) after that custom charge will be apply $100/10k SKU's.
Orders Management
Easy listing and fulfilment with tracking information of fruugo orders from Bigcommerce store.
Variants Product Support
Variant products are one of the mostly used products in any E-Commerce store. Bigcommerce variant products support is provided with this app.
Realtime Error Handling
Realtime error handling is achieved with our app. If issues occur in any product uploaded on, proper messages are shown in the notification section for errors.
Fully Featured Dashboard
Dashboard of our app gives the information about the total number of products uploaded on, number of live and archived products along with the number of orders imported by the app and your shops lifetime sales.

At Your Service

Ced Commerce
Connect with fruugo

Get notified automatically when any order is placed on fruugo for your products!

Ced Commerce
Regular Earning

Earn regularly with your products sold on

Ced Commerce
Up to Date

Remain updated every time something new happens to your products on

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Love It

You will love it when you use it!

Additional Perks

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Free Installation
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Free Support
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Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your BigCommerce-Fruugo Integration with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!